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Alsaadawi's Message Board


this message board was effective online only during the period

from August 2002 until Mars 2005 when it was closed for some technical reasons!


On 2/24/2005 8:56:57 AM Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Thank you Ilkka for your decent, honest and truthful words. Peace.


On 2/24/2005 8:20:34 AM wrote:

I am writing this about 6 hours after discovering your theory. You must be right. I have instinctively always thought that AE language has not vanished but remains in use every day in Egypt. Omitted vocals must be ones used in Egypt today. As you state. Theories about building pyramids with rising wells sound fascinating but give elegant solution. And that Ancient Egyptians believed in one God have sound of truth in them. I wish you luck and prosperity in your search for truth. Ilkka Saari


On 2/19/2005 1:24:41 AM Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi Rich, Thank you so much for your kind message and nice words. I have been always sure that there are honest and versed peoples allover the world who can rightly judge the good work and correctly differentiate between the scum theories and the real scientific ones. I appreciate your sincere and honest clear eye. Regarding your notice about the pictorial texts, of course you are quite right. It is only the written Hieroglyphic texts for which one could NEVER change direction or order of reading the glyphs. But in pictorial depictions the situation is quite different, and I think that there is lot of examples I introduced in the AE Photos Chapters. However, if there is any 'written text' tattooed on any statue or picture then we should follow the rules of reading written Hieroglyphic texts. As for the name 'A-LL- een' I think, from the Ancient Egyptian point of view, it means **the merciful believer**, or in short, **the merciful** or the **the kind**. In Egyptian Hieroglyphs this name could be written using one Hieroglyph only, which is the **allying** sign ..  .. ,


 which is also one famous AE sign for Jesus! Best regards, Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi


On 2/18/2005 10:02:53 PM wrote:

Hello Dr. Alsaadawi, I’m very impressed with the information that you have provided in your website. I truly believe that your theories will one day be proven accurate. Even on a pure logically way of looking at what you have discovered, your theories make a lot of sense. Now, the one theory that I’m glad that you have discovered and that I’m very impressed with is the one in which you discovered that AE did not worship thousands of gods but just one god and that the rest of the bigger than life figures that conventional Egyptologist have interpreted as gods are in reality, apostles. This is clearly the case is we look at the example of Imhotep (forgive me for not knowing his real name, I’m a newbie) because he was known to has existed as a living person in AE and even recognized by Greeks and Romans and he was elevated to an apostle’s status for his great contributions. I’m very glad for having come across your website and I’m looking forward to purchasing your books. I hope that you get to translate them into English because I don’t know any Arabic. Another thing, just a question because you are clearly the expert here, is it possible that the interpretation of this pictogram is not LL-3n-rH but A-LL-3n? Just a suggestion, I know that you said that the AE don’t change the direction or order in which they interpret the pictograms but by this being a statue, eventually a free 3D object, could the size of the main object (the bird, because it’s the biggest in size compared to the other parts of the statue) be the first letter and then go from top to bottom, at least in this case. Like I said, I’m new at this but by the statue being a free 3D object, I think that it will give the artist much more flexibility to play around with a name or message and still maintain the object’s harmony. Just a question and a suggestion, like I said before I admire your work and its not my intention to question your 25 years of experience. One last thing, if it’s possible can you tell me what A-LL-een means? And no its I don’t have a particular hieroglyph that has this name or thought but it’s the name of a friend of mine and when they gave her one of those “name meaning “ certificates it meant alone. I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t mean that but while looking though your dictionary and website I’m sure that her name would be written that way. Thanks very much. I enjoy your work very much. Keep them translations coming and please don’t get upset at the comments of some the English speaking folks. We are not all ignorant and some if not most of us love the work that you are doing. Rich


On 2/16/2005 7:50:02 AM Dr. Ossama Alsadawi wrote:

Dear Dr. Magda, thank you for you kind words. I deeply appreciate that. Peace


On 2/16/2005 1:40:21 AM Dr Magda Shebait wrote:

Nous avons été honorés qu'il a présenté quelques grandes conférences à notre association de la Langue égyptienne Ancienne et de la Civilisation UNE. Il nous a avec gentillesse offert une copie de ses notes personnelles dont l'histoire brève suivante a été abrégée. années, dans un grand article appelé comme 'Nouveau Champollion de l'Egypte' sur la 'Dernière Heure' le magazine égyptien étendu distribué après la Corporation de Presse de Nouvelles égyptienne 'Akhbar'. Voici un abrègement de cette histoire intéressante : L'histoire d'une grande découverte : L'Egypte était toujours le terrain d'histoires mystérieuses anciennes éternelles, aventures et révélations. Voici l'histoire d'une découverte égyptienne unique magnifique, stupéfiante et excitante. Beaucoup de grands hommes de partout dans le monde passé, le long des siècles prolongés, au terrain de l'Egypte et aux grandes conclusions archéologiques faites qui ont éclairci et ont guidé les gens de notre globe truculent à une civilisation ancienne glorieuse ont appelé la Civilisation égyptienne Ancienne. Pourtant, avec toutes ces conclusions immenses personne ne pourrait dévoiler les lectures réelles et les traductions des textes Hiéroglyphiques égyptiens Anciens vastes et étendus comme ceux des Textes de Pyramide, la Pierre de Palermo, Rosetta Stone, les Textes de Papyrus, les textes de Peinture murale, les Textes de Haut lieu, les Textes de Cercueil, les Textes d'Obélisque, etc. Il y avait beaucoup d'essais fidèles et a dévoué des efforts de lire et traduire les hiéroglyphes égyptiens, mais, malheureusement, la plupart d'entre eux ont dégénéré et ont mené les gens aux histoires extrêmement fausses de la Civilisation égyptienne Ancienne et de l'Histoire égyptienne Ancienne! Notre homme est né dans la ville alexandrine d'Egypte. En étant attentif depuis que il était un enfant dans le jardin d'enfants qu'il a soulevé vite à travers de plus hauts niveaux d'éducation. ہ l'école préparatoire il aimait écrire des noms de ses amis dans les hiéroglyphes égyptiens dans la lumière de théorie traditionnelle de Champollion. Il a continué à apprendre des hiéroglyphes comme un hobby depuis, mais seulement avec les signes courts simples. Depuis que 1966 où il était un cadet cadet dans le Collège Technique Militaire MTC de Caire, Ossama Alsaadawi a gagné un fort motif et un besoin persistant de commencer à lire les Hiéroglyphes égyptiens. Il a assisté à quelques classes locales officielles et populaires à Caire qui enseignent la Langue égyptienne Ancienne en ce temps-là, ensemble avec son étude de soi étendue. Après quelques années, il a essayé de lire quelques textes Hiéroglyphiques, mais il a tout à fait échoué! De ses notes personnelles à main levée qui ont été écrites dans plus de 40 grands carnets chacun de 150 papiers nous avons extrait l'histoire de cette découverte. En année 1991 il a décidé de recommencer un nouveau travail de recherche frais basé sur les principes scientifiques réels. Il a collectionné beaucoup de cartouches Hiéroglyphiques et a commencé à les lire dans la lumière de théorie traditionnelle de Champollion et essayer d'exprimer des paroles de leurs noms en mettant ensuite les hiéroglyphes correspondants par écrit dans quelques tables de comparaison ensemble avec la table du phonème. Après qu'autrefois il a remarqué que ces noms n'incluent aucun de deux phonèmes égyptiens très importants qui sont, (L) et (Z) phonations. Quand il a rendu en arrière à la table Champollion il ne les a jamais trouvés! C'était une conclusion réelle par laquelle il a été très stupéfié et impressionné. Immédiatement il a commencé à les chercher. C'était relativement facile pour lui de trouver (L) grapheme perdus parce qu'il ressemble à la lettre (L) à quelques lignes de langue modernes comme l'anglais, les langues hébraïques et arabes. Tous incluent la lettre (L) représenté presque la même voie que l'égyptien (L) 'corde' grapheme [V13]! En année 1992 il a déclaré cette conclusion importante sur une émission de télévision locale, mais il n'était pas assez pour le faire lire des textes hiéroglyphiques correctement, pendant ce temps les gens n'étaient pas attentifs à qu'il disait! La continuation avec sa recherche suivie et persistant travaille il a bientôt dévoilé le deuxième a perdu le phonème (Z) et a constaté que c'est 'le lézard' à zigzags grapheme [I9], connu dans l'égyptologie traditionnelle comme la 'vipère à cornes' sous le groupe 'de reptiles' et qui a été mal déchiffré au phonème (f). En remplaçant les (L) corrects et (Z) les phonèmes dans quelques mots hiéroglyphiques égyptiens et en exécutant des comparaisons linguales denses il a découvert la troisième faute fondamentale. Il a correctement redéchiffré 'l'orifice' carré grapheme [Q3] pour lire vraiment comme (F) le phonème, pendant que Champollion l'a mal déchiffré (à p)! Admirablement, il n'y a AUCUN son (p) dans toutes les sortes de dialectes égyptiens locaux et de discours! En commençant à partir de l'année 1994, Ossama Alsaadawi a commencé à lire 'correctement' quelques mots hiéroglyphiques égyptiens Anciens simples, mais il a été fortement époustouflé quand il s'est rendu compte que ces mots vocalisent exactement comme quelques mots égyptiens parlés modernes. Il a chuchoté à lui : 'qui sur la terre me croira si je leur ai dit' ?! Mais il a continué. Dans le court temps, il a déchiffré correctement encore deux phonèmes fondamentaux, qui sont (y) et les phonèmes (th) représentés par les signes hiéroglyphiques [N23] et [Z2A]. Alors il a lu plus de mots égyptiens correctement. Alors en année 1995 il est sorti le groupe de phonème limité au large groupe phonétique complexe de hiéroglyphes qui est composé de presque 1000 graphemes hiéroglyphiques fondamentaux. Les phonèmes nouveaux correctement déchiffrés ont permis Ossama Alsaadawi au déchiffrement correct du grand nombre de Hiéroglyphes égyptiens vagues et mystérieux qui ont été mal lus dans l'égyptologie traditionnelle. En 1996 il a réussi pour déchiffrer correctement beaucoup de hiéroglyphes du groupe complexe. En 1997 la Langue égyptienne Ancienne a ouvert ses portes largement à Ossama Alsaadawi En 1998 il a commencé à construire les bases concrètes de sa théorie linguale historique et un avril 1999 il a déclaré sa théorie dans le monde entier et a commencé des discussions linguales en ligne denses avec les savants d'allover le monde. Il a posté plus de 8 mille de messages sur le web et a exécuté des centaines de discussions. Il a conçu et a publié trois sites Web sur le Filet et a publié localement beaucoup de livres et notes de la Langue égyptienne Ancienne et a présenté des dizaines de conférences allover l'Egypte. Ossama Alsaadawi dit qu'il devrait exprimer son respect profond, gratitude et appréciation à tous les égyptologues grands et hautement respectés et aux linguistes Hiéroglyphiques égyptiens qui ont passé des efforts sincères immenses essayant de déchiffrer le langage écrit le plus ardu et complexe dans l'histoire d'humanité. Un script qui est né aux ères passées immémoriales a alors continué depuis de longs milliers des années et a arrêté depuis plus de 17 siècles depuis l'année 390AD. Il a courageusement reconnu que sans les travaux dévoués de ces scientifiques honnêtes sa théorie n'aurait pas été l'organisation ou aurait porté. Il croit aussi que ces grands savants sont des amants d'Egypte fidèles reels, Dr Magda Shebait, Association d'Imhotep, Heliopolis - Caire


On 2/13/2005 12:21:20 AM Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi Said, yes most of modern Egyptian and Arabic stories that could be found in the Egyptian Etymology and Egyptian Folklore are of Ancient Egyptian origin. I think one great example is quite enough: it is the great story book of **One Thousand Nights and Night**. All its included stories are pure Ancient Egyptian! Just ask any Egyptian child about **ummena elghoula**!! Regards

On 2/12/2005 7:22:18 PM wrote:

Is there any folk tales or stories in Sa3eed that have an ancient Egyptian origin? Can you give me some examples? 


On 2/12/2005 11:57:51 AM Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Dear Mr. Yves .. Thank you for your extremely important message that could only come from unbiased independent free man. I'll adopt this message to be a real historical reference and I'll add it to my database, .. Best Regards, Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi

On 2/12/2005 10:21:15 AM wrote:

Dear sir,I just had today another confirmation of your linguistic and religious theories that are FACTS.. In a radio interview(in French),the egyptologist of France for the past 50 yrs, Mme Christiane Desroches Noblecourt in her latest book "le Fabuleux Heritage de l'Egypte ",ed SW-Telemaque [ISBN 2-7533-0009-7], 309 pages, november 2004 (you can go to (France) admitted that: 1- what all egyptologists KNOW but refuse to recognize publicly- that that Judaism and Christian faiths BOTH stem from the Ancient Egyptian religion. 2- that there are NO thousands of Egyptian divinities but just ONE GOD and that these so-called divinities are QUALITIES describing the unique one.. 3-as she is now 91 yrs old she can tell the truth without any "bad consequences"... And yet in my city(Montreal) there is presntly an expositon about Egyptian treausures and its numerous Egyptian Gods.. I might add that numerous JEWS are denouncing the present day Jewish religion as having its root in Babylon rituals and hence not the rela religion of God both that of Moloch(devil) I do encourage you to contact the webmaster of this site the Jeff Rense program is close to #1 on the Net and talks about a variety of subjects-political,esoteric,religious,egypto-logy,etc.. I am sure you would make a most interesting guest and your works would get a much wider coverage.. Also via this website your books could be made more accessible to a larger public... Finally I do hope that you will be able to do a sort of "weblog" and maybe an e-mail newsletter so that people can contribute to your research and make it more mainstream... In regards to your interpretation of the AE language you are right as I found out to my dismay that many serious errors in deciphering simple words like for gold are KNOWN to egyptologists yet they keep on repeating the mistaken translations over and over again for the sake of continuity and "not to rock the boat".. Yours,...


On 1/24/2005 12:36:08 PM Os. Alsaadawi wrote:

hanks for the data. I see your points and I'm following some of them which have some value. You say: << However I do understand (I am not an expert nor a linguist) that the Egyptian language did change over time, in the pronunciation dept and for certain grammatical rules .. like our modern languages do but not to the extent that modern Egyptologists would have us think >> .. No, this is not true. I explained many times before that the SPOKEN Egyptian has never changed **A BIT** since far pre-dynastic times and up today .. and I explained why and I introduced enough evidence. The Egyptian language is not based on trilateral phonetic alphabetic words like many modern languages but it is based on human instinctive bilateral phonetic utterances and phonations like (ma – ba – iy – my – hm - he – sh.e - yu - be – si – do – in - hi - by - wy - hw - no - so - te .. etc). These instinctive bilateral words can never change with time and this is the real genius of the Ancient Egyptians. And that's why it was conducted into many modern languages including the Latin ones! Many peoples wish not to understand on deliberate but they only wish to hear their own voices!!

On 1/24/2005 11:18:49 AM wrote:

Sir,thanks you very much for your lenghty response. Other tidbits of news(maybe to you) I am submitting to your attention: 1- ,paper,re Jan 21st- by going to the section Home News "First person to decipher hieroglyphs was a muslim.." Now what is important here is that another article appeared in the Guardian (UK) on Oct 3rd I believe, in which they put " Dr Okasha El Daly claim to have discovered, "and words like "suppositions,assumption etc..etc.." abound.. In fact you must read the article in the "" to get the real facts.. They also mention his upcoming book as well as give his e-mail. In the Guardian- the impression of the article is that Dr O. El Daly is just another cook ! 2- this website called  and go to the Quick Index help on the left; it has many interesting articles about the relation of LATVIA/Lithuania and ancient Middle Eastern languages.. and erroneous hieroglyphs transcriptions and also the subborness of the modern egyptologist "scholars" to correct their mistakes..(they keep piling up their errors by promoting other ones) 3-this website claims that Ancient Egyptians visited Australia and it has the hieroglyphs inscription to prove it or not. .thm Finally-even French works done on Late Egyptian tend to continue the too numerous Champollion errors in deciphering the hieroglyphs.. However I do understand(I am not an expert nor a linguist)that the Egyptian language did change over time,in the pronounciation dept and for certain grammatical our modern languages do but not to the extent that modern egyptologists would have us think. If that was the case then a person using Latin languages like French,Spanish etc.. would not be able to recognize its Latin and Greek roots.. It is my hope that you can soon come up with a BASIC PRIMER in "ancient egyptian" so its learning would be easier and not just another grammar for someone versed in linguistics and "the hell with the pronounciation" (as per example "Fundamentals of Egyptian Grammar,Elements Book I " by Leo Depuydt,Frog Publishing,Norton,Massa.US,1999) A good example of a popular "primer si the ook put out by ASSIMIL in their "Langues de poche", "Le Hieroglyphe de poche"(ed in 2000)-re collection ASSIMIL -evasion( It is based on "Le Nouvel Egyptien or Late Egyptian";it is an amusing,entertaining and a good introduction if you discount their errors based on bad hieroglyphic transcriptions as you have shown to me and others too as well .

On 1/24/2005 5:38:34 AM Os. Alsaadawi wrote:

Thank you for the URL, I'll try to search for it. Ancient Egyptian claimed (gods) and (deities) are absolutely faked and forged, by modern Egyptologists, either in names or meanings due to vast mistakes in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs. I introduced huge evidence to prove this fact. The Egyptians have been told (many times by force and torture) for more than two millennia (since year 30BC when the Romans conquered Egypt, passing through many long invasions and up to recent days) that their Ancient Egyptian forefathers were pagans, infidels, polytheists, tyrants, oppressors, etc etc. Therefore modern Egyptians disliked talking or discussing issues about their Ancient Egyptian ancestors and lost interest for anything that relate to them. However, after I started publishing my books in Egypt in year 1995 about the True Ancient Egyptian Civilization ad the True translations of their texts the Egyptians started to care for their AE ancestors', and this interest increases gradually. On the new millennium (2000) a great awakening happened here in Egypt among many peoples to know everything concerning their AE Grandfathers. That's why there is a strong hushing up and obscuring to all my works over all kinds of media!! It is only a matter of time and the whole Truth will show up. Regards, Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi

On 1/23/2005 4:30:00 PM wrote:

Sir, I was wondering if you will be using WiKihiero as the basis to put your true meanings of hieroglyphs in software format..thus making them accessible to a greater number of people.. As "WiKi" is a Free source software... Also I am tired of reading books about AE claiming to represent the latest in AE science yet they keep using GREEK names of the so-called different Egyptian dieties ! Even works in regards to Late Egyptian still use them.. Finally it is about time that works outside the small circle of European scholars be better known.. And I have also read numerous times the following (prevalent)_ response to this question ... "As to why so few Egyptians are interested in their past..?" "Well,not in their culture .. even amongst the younger generation..." And your works need to be all translated into English...  and search for Wikihiero

On 1/5/2005 3:10:35 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

the written Ancient Egyptian Language is not alphabetic. So, one can't write Egyptian words using simple letters or phonemes. It depends solely on bilateral phonetic signs. Therefore, any Egyptian word could be written in a variety of ways depending on what signs should be used. In our case here

we have: 1- snowflake, which utters in Egyptian as (barad) and written as

2- sunshine, which utters in Egyptian as (Tolw3) or (ma-sh-req / mashreq) and written as



3- rain, which utters in Egyptian as (maTar) and written as



regards, Ossama Alsaadawi.


On 1/4/2005 1:14:49 PM wrote:

Hello, I'm hoping you can help, I have been trying to find a site that will translate simple words to egyptian and explain the pronounciation - but I need it spelt in english - I'm looking for how to say - snowflake, rain and sunshine in egyptian if they were used seperatly as names. I sincerely appreciate whatever help you are able to give. Thank you Chris

On 11/24/2004 9:45:34 AM Os. Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi Rob, please try here: >>>> it is the online site of the respected CCER .. regards

On 11/24/2004 3:58:53 AM wrote:

International Phonetics? Would it be possible to let us know where we can obtain the various fonts used so we could view the pages correctly? Maybe even links directly to downloads of fonts used. Thank you and keep up the good work. Rob Poland

On 9/27/2004 12:57:46 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

That's very good question because [M11] is an important bilateral phonetic glyph in the Ancient Egyptian language. Unfortunately it was wrongly deciphered (as usual) in traditional theory of Champollion as (wdn .. to mean .. offer) ,,,,, while its true phonetic value in light of Alsaadawi's theory on True hieroglyphs is ------ [M11] = 

 = (wL / Lw). It could be used to compose hundreds of different Egyptian words that include this phonetic value. The slang Egyptian word from which this sign was derived is (Lwa - Lawa) which is equivalent to the English words: ---- (to fold - wheel - whirl - loop - curl - etc). Regards. Ossama Alsaadawi.

On 9/26/2004 9:37:39 PM wrote:

hello dr: ossama i try to know what does the (M11) mean and i cannot get it can u help me ??? thanks for reading my words

On 6/17/2004 2:35:11 AM wrote:

Hi Dr Ossama …. It was a pleasure coming across your WebPages …. You make me more proud of being an Egyptian .. I have seen in you Egypt in flesh, you are Egyptian to the bones …. Your love and adoration of Egypt is beyond any doubt …. What you have said touches a cord in my heart ….Always I have a very strong feeling about what you have put it down in a very concrete way …. I have been a way from Egypt for long time. I have read a lot grown up enough to understand from where you are coming …. I hope we can establish a way of communication and continue in touch …. It seems to me you have discovered a lot of secrets …. Regards, Ahmed El-Gadaa, Australia Melbourne

On 5/13/2004 7:09:15 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

[U28] .. or .. [O49] .. or .. [N25]


 could be used to indicate **earth** in general. It depends on the word reading and the context, like in (earth - land - world - etc). Ossama Alsaadawi

On 5/12/2004 5:57:47 PM wrote:

what is the glyph for earth?

On 5/8/2004 2:42:47 AM wrote:

good morning dr. Ossama .. how are you today ? i wish you are fine ... iam very happy to see this group and i like to be one of all of these ppl who read all of your researches on line i am very happy to know the complete true about A.E. and how we have closed eyes and we never stop to ask ourselvies ...why our grandfathers made all of these words and pictuers on walls !!!!!! now i am sure that they never did that for nothing .... it is a masseages for us (EGYPTIANS) and we must tell it for all world... i hope that i am on right. i hope i can meet u soon . mohammed abd elhakiem

On 3/28/2004 2:29:31 PM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

No it is not wrong. You are right about those great thinkers. But I wish to say that they were not only Greeks, there were many delegations and students from whole Europe, Africa and Asia that used to visit Egypt for learning in different fields at much earlier times than some people think, even earlier than the Hyksos era when a lot of Asian peoples lived in Egypt for many reasons. We know also that strong relations with Syria existed in the Old Kingdom era. The real history of Egypt before the Middle Kingdom was illogically compressed and uprooted by some Egyptologists for unknown reasons, but one day the correct chronology will show up. Just look at the number of kings and time period of each dynasty and you get what I mean. Palermo Stone has not been deciphered correctly yet and I think it will give a whole NEW Groundbreaking Facts about Ancient Egypt. We MUST read Hieroglyphs correctly!!

On 3/28/2004 12:37:37 PM wrote:

Dr. Alsaadawi, what about people like Pythagoras or Thales? I always through these were the first Greek intellectuals that came to Egypt to learn under Egyptian teachers? Is this wrong?

On 3/28/2004 1:01:33 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi (saidis_aswan_egy), you say >> The Greeks coming to Egypt started when Egypt was under Persian domination<< ….. I wonder how could a knowledgeable man like you fell in such a big historical mistake?!! The Greek era in Egypt started at 330BC after Alexandrian the Great asked to visit Egypt peacefully for some religious reasons to adopt the great Ancient Egyptian creed of Amon and after he put Egypt under his military protection and hence he rejected the Persians out of Egypt once and forever! The Greek era ended in Egypt at 30BC when the Romans invaded Egypt starting from Alexandria to reject and exile the Greeks out of Egypt for the sake of prohibiting the creed of Amon which started spreading in Europe thru the Greeks. During the Greek period (330BC-30BC) many Greek and European students and scholars learned all the basics of the Ancient Egyptian great Civilization starting from the language and passing thru astronomy, engineering, medicine, architect, chemistry, arts, music, religion, etc. I think the archaeological proof is quite obvious and there is no need to list them all here!! Ossama Alsaadawi

On 3/27/2004 5:16:32 PM wrote:

[[[You say 'copied' by the Greeks and the Romans, yes 'copied' from where?! It is 'copied' from the Ancient Egyptian civilization in Alexandria via their European students, who became later on great teachers and philosophers in Europe. This means simply that Egypt is still be the bedrock origin of most of the modern human civilizations]]] The Greeks coming to Egypt started when Egypt was under Persian domination. Both Thales and Pythagoras came to Egypt during this time period to study under the tutorship of Egyptians. Many also believe that people such as Heron, Soigenes, and Cladius Ptolomey were actual Upper Egyptians that wrote compositions in Greeks at the Library of Alexandria

On 3/28/2004 12:58:31 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi Mr. fiver pillars, from lingual point of view there are hundreds of AE Hieroglyphs that refer to all the issues that you ask about. First you should master correct reading of Hieroglyphs so that you might be able to detect them properly. Unfortunately this message board is not assigned for such detailed explanations. If you read this site in detail you may find the answers to all your questions. However, the Ancient Egyptian fasting month is indicated by the very famous Hieroglyph [V38:N11] :


You can find this sign depicted as a tattoo on the face of Horus Falcon. There are many AE Hieroglyphs that could be used to refer to the prayers "Salaat" like for instance -- [F29] -- or -- [A16] -- or -- [A50] -- 


 ---- etc. Ossama Alsaadawi

On 3/27/2004 5:13:12 PM The fiver pillars of Islam in ancient Egypt wrote:

Could you tell me some possibly antecedants that correspond with the five pillars of Islam. I know some like Zakat, Hajji, and Salat correspond to ancient Egyptians pratices, but what about other central pillars like Sawn [fasting], and Shahada. Also could you give me the specific if ancient Egyptians had certain days of fasting and also prayers in ancient Egypt that were equivalent to Salat.

On 3/23/2004 3:02:24 PM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

ou say >>Most linguist would not agree with you, Dr. Alsaadawi<< Yes, I know that because most linguists failed to read most of the simple ABC of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs that date back to far millenniums of years BC as I explained before!!!!! I introduced enough evidence for any rational man to realize where the truth is!! It seems that you haven't read this site entirely!! >>Most speculate the Afro-Asiatic family originated in the vicinity of modern Ethiopia and passed into Yemen<<. This is NOT True and I told you about the Pyramid Texts and Palermo Stone that there is no similar archaeological lingual evidence on planet earth, but it seems that I should repeat it again. Where in Ethiopia or Yemen or elsewhere we could find similar AMPLE ancient grammatical texts that date back to that immemorial time?!!!! Then you say: 'they speculate' - but I don't speculate or 'GUESS' as they do - I introduce strict scientific proof for EVERY WORD I cast. >>You definatley should read more about developments in regions of China and India<<. Now you speak about China and India!! So what?!! I said 'nearly' because I know that there were other civilizations but they have not the impact of the AE civilization on mankind! >>A good portion of Western civilization was copied by the Greeks and Romans, so this is freely admitted by Diodorus Siculus, Strabo, Herodotus, and the likes<< You say 'copied' by the Greeks and the Romans, yes 'copied' from where?! It is 'copied' from the Ancient Egyptian civilization in Alexandria via their European students, who became later on great teachers and philosophers in Europe. This means simply that Egypt is still be the bedrock origin of most of the modern human civilizations. Best regards, Ossama Alsaadawi.

On 3/23/2004 1:41:46 PM wrote:

Most linguist would not agree with you,Dr. Alsaadawi. Most speculate the Afro-Asiatic family originated in the vicinity of modern Ethiopia and passed into Yemen. Nobody was reffering to ''color'' of the speakers,but most likley they don't look like modern Northern Arabian bedouins. The Southern Arabs always looked down upon Northern Arab tribes,but still intermixed with each other. I would disagree that most of the world's civlization comes from Egypt. You definatley should read more about developments in regions of China and India which pre-date much of Egyptian civlization. A good portion of Western civlization was copied by the Greeks and Romans,so this is freely admitted by Diodorus Siculus,Strabo,Herodotus,and the likes.

On 3/22/2004 12:05:00 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Egypt and only Egypt is the genuine original source of ALL human civilizations. Not the Romans, not the Greeks, not the Arabians, not the Ethiopians, not the Somalians, not the Persians, not the Yemens or otherwise! When we speak about 'language' we don't refer to or mean human color tones, we mean only the spoken and written languages. There is only one bright obvious fact that Egypt is the bedrock of nearly all modern written languages. There is, for example, the ample Egyptian Pyramid Texts that date back to nearly 5000 years BC. Man never discovered ample well-organized grammatical texts that date back to similar immemorial times on any spot allover the world. There is also the Miracle Palermo Stone that records chronology of Ancient Egyptian history which dates back to 17000 years BC!! Wonderfully, they counted it year by year!! There is no similar real archaeological lingual Evidence allover the world. The words 'Semitic' and 'Sam' are taken from the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyph **sm** which is [F36] according to Gardiner numbers -- 


 -- Therefore, all the 'semitics' or 'sams, or 'salam' or etc are PURE Ancient Egyptian. The Ancient Egyptian language was spread then to close and then farer regions of Africa, Asia and Europe. If we look to the English alphabets, for instance, we find them ALL taken from the Egyptian Hieroglyphs with both utterance and graphemes. This alone proves definitely that the Egyptian Hieroglyphs are the source of nearly all modern internationally wide-spread languages. The modern Arabic written language is in fact a modified copy from the Egyptian Demotic writing line. Then who made all those modern modifications? They are the Egyptians themselves!! One could never find a unique lingual dictionary for a very old language like the wonderful Wallis Budge Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, which alone stands as bright evidence that the Egyptian language is the oldest along the whole history of man. If some people insist to close their eyes and turn-off their faces far from all those crucial facts then it is their own problem because one day history will show up all these facts when there will be real freedom and real free honest media in place of the false international media that spread fibs and falsified stories about the poor humanly-dedicated Ancient Egyptians -- 


 = salam = peace -- Ossama Alsaadawi .

On 3/21/2004 2:03:27 PM wrote:

I would just like to object to the fact that Arabic is older than ancient Egyptian language. Whoever said this is obviously not very well versed in most linguistic studies that have been published. Most studies show that the oldest proto-type of Semitic languages which includes many branches came, along with other Afro-Asiatic languages, from the era of the modern Sudan and the Sahara. The proto-Semitic languages that further developed into Arabic probably branched off either from the Arabian peninsula or from parts of modern Ethiopia. This is why you notice the oldest Arab tribes in Southern Yemen look no different from Ethiopians or Somalians. The first appearance of the people we know commonly refer to as Arabs comes from the bas reliefs of Assyrians during 700 B.C.. The name Arab itself simply means to move from place to place like the term Hebrew. Know mind you, I am simply going off secular evidence, and not from Quranic passages. Know where can you prove that Arabic was the first spoken language of humanity. Anybody who spins such fables as these are just adding on to Arabic supremacy stories that saturate the minds of many people.

On 3/12/2004 7:04:56 PM wrote:

BUY MY SOUL I'm selling my soul to the highest bidder.

On 2/29/2004 1:32:33 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi Ma'at Re, please would you write the three words you ask about (isir, asar, osiris) in Hieroglyphs so that I can inspect them to get what you mean by your question? Thanks

On 2/28/2004 8:52:36 PM Neb-Ma'at-Re wrote:

Hello Dr.Alsadaawi, Are you claiming that 'Isir' (Asar, Osiris) is instead an AE prophet named 'Israel' or do you make a distinction between the two?

On 2/28/2004 7:39:17 AM Abdullah wrote:

Ok... thank you for answering my questions.... this is very interesting stuff. May God help you in your studies.

On 2/27/2004 1:25:43 PM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

The word of 'Israel' has been reported tens of times in AE Hieroglyphic texts and here is one example to a whole sentence: _[Q1-X1:O1-F35-I9:D21-X1:O1-A40]_] = **O children of Israel eulogize (uzkorw-F35) my grace** (that I offered you). Please, see Wallis Budge EHD p.80a for the correctness of the Hieroglyphic writing of the sentence. About Maryam and 3isa, sorry I don't discuss religious stuff here and for sure there are many more knowledgeable savants that you can consult. I only cast lingual data. About the Ancient Arabic language, again you mix between the spoken and the written language which reflects a big mess in your thoughts. As one example, you said before that Adam **spoke** Arabic, If it's OK then how he wrote it? In modern Arabic alphabetic line?!!! Have you asked yourself this question?!! Do you know when the modern Arabic line has appeared to existence?! And from where it came?!! Have you checked the Demotic text in Rosetta Stone and tried to read it or to recognize what line it uses? Do the English peoples use American alphabets in their English writings or it is vise versa?! Which one is much older, the modern Arabic line or the very very ancient Egyptian writing lines?! Which one has been born from the other?! Mr. Abdullah, you still have a lot to learn! About the question of msm below I apologize because I haven't noticed it before. To apply the true phonetic values to any AE text is an advanced level in learning of AE language before which one should pass thru successive classes starting from learning the basic phonemes then mastering a great number of bilateral phonetic values and then learning the **strict** rules for reading or writing any AE text. If he wants to meet me to explain these rules in details then he is welcomed. Thanks. O. Alsaadawi

On 2/27/2004 10:49:04 AM abdullah ibn adam wrote:

hello, thank you for your answers.... however, I think you might have misunderstood what I meant when I wrote about tawhid? I meant that, as you know, Allah is One, with no partners, and that the ancient egyptians were taught this by Yusuf (Alayhis Salaam).

Also, I wondered if you can give the context in which the word Israel -i.e. instead of translating just the word, can you translate the whole paragraph that it appears in?

Also you didn't mention an explanation regarding my question about Maryam and Isa (Alayhis Salaam). Please can you explain?

Also, if you are saying that the Egyptians followed the way of Ibrahim Hanifa (Alayhis Salaam) then Arabic was existant at that time since his son was Ismael Alayhis Salaam, who spoke in a pure Arabic. Allamah Suyuti has quoted a narration of Ibn Abbas Radiallahu Anhuma in which it is mentioned that the first person to speak pure Arabic was Ismaeel (Alaihis salaam) This refers to the Arabic of the Quraish in which the Quran was revealed because the Arabic of Qahtaan and Himyar was prevalent before the advent of Ismaeel Alaihis salaam. So if there is some contradiction between your theory and the hadith, it must mean that your theory is flawed in a way, and needs to be refined.

also can you answer the question of msm below - he wrote: "but in fact i could not apply your phonetic rules on any ae text and also i don not know that you mean that every text in heiroglyphic is a holy one although these texts are very diversed in time of writing and places they found"

ok thanks.

On 2/27/2004 3:27:32 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi Mr. abdullah_ibn_adam, Thank you for your message. All your questions and inquiries are quite logic and reasonable. However it comes out of strong Islamic and Arabian bias while my theory is based on pure scientific and lingual research work. You say " > Basically, you are wrong when claiming that Arabic is derived from the Ancient Egyptian, it is vice versa, isn't it?< " Your word here reflects not only lack of knowledge but also absolute unawareness of the Ancient Egyptian language. Could you say that the English alphabets (a-b-c-d-etc) have been derived from the English words like (able-door-sleep-work-greet-etc) or it is really vise versa that the English words are derived from the Basic English alphabets?! The same holds true for Arabic and the Ancient Egyptian languages. The root words in Arabic language are of trilateral nature in accordance with the verb 'f3L' while the Ancient Egyptian language is based on two mutually related alphabetic groups: a- the AE phonemes which exactly match the modern Arabic alphabets, and b- the AE bilateral phonetic values expressed in hundreds of single graphemes. Therefore only the Arabic words should have born from the Egyptian phonemes and bilateral phonetic values but not vise versa. I explained this simple fact hundreds of times, but some people miss that entire then jump to some wrong conclusions believing that they are the ones who are correct and all others are wrong! You got it?! Then you speak about "tawHeed" which reflects certain ignorance of real Islam!! Please, try to find this word in the Quran or any related word!! Do you really know what this word means or should I teach you? You are right about your demand for the word 'Israel', but I mentioned before where this word has been reported in the Pyramid Texts and Book of the Dead, etc. But the simplest way to read it is to find it in any good AE Hieroglyphic dictionary like the Worterbuch or Wallis Budge EHD then to

 trace its origin according to their instructions. However, I cast here the words of 'Israel' again:


 = the AE Prophet Israel.



 = messenger to the children of Israel. You can find both in Wallis Budge EHD p.83a, last entry. He translated it to "_Egyptian dynastic god isir_'!! The word of 'israeL' written in full alphabetic form is [Q2:D4-G4A-A40] reported in Wallis Budge EHD p.83b, first entry. These words are reported tens of time in the Book of the Dead, Papyrus of Ani, and as one example only you can find it in plate 32 - first column to the left - just under the photo of hell monkeys. As for my book 'Second Real Time Machine' I have no available time, unfortunately, to translate it to English. Best regards, Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi.

On 2/26/2004 6:06:20 PM same as below wrote:

Asslamalaykum... Please can you also give me some information abour your book, 2nd Real Time Machine. Also, will it ever be available in English?

On 2/26/2004 6:03:41 PM wrote:

Assalamalaykum... This is a very very interesting theory, MashaAllah. It seems to fit in with the truth, but it seems that there are a few discrepancies in your theory, or more specifically, the conclusions that you draw from your theory. Please elaborate further if possible... 1) The language of Adam (Peace be upon him) was Arabic, and thus every language evolved from Arabic. Thus when you say that Arabic is derived from Ancient Egyptian language, it is not correct Islamically. Rather, you can say that Ancient Egyptian is derived from the language of Adam (Peace be upon him), which was Arabic. 2) As you know, Allah Ta'ala tells us in the Qur'an that every single nation was sent a Prophet to tell them about Him. So isn't it possible to interpret your findings as a proof that the Ancient Egyptians were also sent a Prophet or Messenger who taught them Tawhid (Monotheism) and they were monotheistic people, originally, before becoming corrupt much later on? Apparantly some of the hylogryphic texts you have translated seem to match the teachings of the Qur'an very well. So it may have come from the same Source, since we know that many Prophets and Messengers were sent, at least one to every nation. 3) You have mentioned about Mary and Jesus (Peace be upon him) being mentioned in the hylogryphics, but how can this be since Jesus son of Mary (Peace be upon him) was born much much later than the Ancient Egyptian civilisation, or am I mistaken? 4) Please can you post a picture of a slab or sheet of hylogryphic symbols which have a meaning like the Qur'an, and the translation according to your theory. It would be very interesting to see... Since I do not have any access to any original hylogryphics materials. For example, can you show us the actual text where it mentions 'Israel' and the context, using an actual picture of the original hylogryphics? I would also like to use your method to translate some text to see if the meaning comes out as understanderble! -- Basically I find your theory really interesting, but please can you explain the above mentioned points. Basically, you are wrong when claiming that Arabic is derived from the Ancient Egyptian, it is vice versa, isn't it? And also you are wrong claiming that Islam, Christianity and Judaism are derived from the religion of the Ancient Egyptians, because their religion should be viewed as another Monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the Prophet sent to them (such as exist in many tribes and peoples in Africa, and even the Aboriginies and the Native Americans etc.) Also you are wrong when you claim that the Quran is somehow derived from earlier works or from the teaching of the Ancient Egyptians, but you could view it in the light that the teachings of the Ancient Egyptians were from the same Source (i.e. Allah, the One). It seems that your theory is groungbreaking, but you have misinterpreted several very important and key issues, due to lack of knowledge. What is your view on this? -- I was reading these verses: 040.028 And a believing man of Pharaoh's family, who hid his faith, said: Would ye kill a man because he saith: My Lord is Allah, and hath brought you clear proofs from your Lord ? If he is lying, then his lie is upon him; and if he is truthful, then some of that wherewith he threateneth you will strike you. Lo! Allah guideth not one who is a prodigal, a liar. 040.029 O my people! Yours is the kingdom to-day, ye being uppermost in the land. But who would save us from the wrath of Allah should it reach us ? Pharaoh said: I do but show you what I think, and I do but guide you to wise policy. 040.030 And he who believed said: O my people! Lo! I fear for you a fate like that of the factions (of old); 040.031 A plight like that of Noah's folk, and A'ad and Thamud, and those after them, and Allah willeth no injustice for (His) slaves. 040.032 And, O my people! Lo! I fear for you a Day of Summoning, 040.033 A day when ye will turn to flee, having no preserver from Allah: and he whom Allah sendeth astray, for him there is no guide. 040.034 And verily Joseph brought you of old clear proofs, yet ye ceased not to be in doubt concerning what he brought you till, when he died, ye said: Allah will not send any messenger after him. Thus Allah deceiveth him who is a prodigal, a doubter. and I was thinking - the Ancient Egyptians must have known about these things mentioned in the verse! Noah, and Ad and Thamud! And most definately they were taught monotheism by Yusuf (Peace be upon him)!


On 2/19/2004 5:08:07 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Dear Neb, thank you for your messages. Please pardon me for my absence. It was out of my hand.

The AE glyph [D22]


 denotes 2/4 **two quarters** which means 1/2 **one-half** and don't mean 2/3 as wrongly known in traditional Egyptology. The sign [D21] for phoneme _r_ ..  ..


 means four (4) as a number. It is unique in Egyptian numbers (1-10) and has a phonetic value **arba3a**. You know that number (4) is written as 4 vertical dashes IIII but it could be written also like [Z1:D21]. The phonetic value for the Egyptian 1/4 **one quarter** is "rob3' and written in Hieroglyphs as [D21:Z1:D36]. Please, see Wallis Budge EHD p.415a last entry. He translated it to 'number'!! The phonetic value for [D22] is **rob3yn** or in slang Egyptian 'rob3ain', which means in English 'two-quarters'. Gardiner offered it a close phonetic value 'rwy' but wrongly translated it to 2/3 'two-thirds'!!



 = Kind Greetings and Peace. Ossama Alsaadawi

On 2/17/2004 1:32:13 AM wrote:

DR. Alsadaawi, Here is what I have found regarding the phonetic value of the 2/3 glyph or [D22]. In Budge's Egyptian Hieroglyph Dictionary List of Characters on pg. cxxxi section XVI he lists the sign in question as #17[D22]. Although he gives a signification as a determinitive or ideograph as 'fractional number 2/3, he gives no phonetic value. Sign #16 on the same page shows the 's' sign [S29] overlapping the 'r' sign [D21] (similarly to the way that 's'[S29] overlaps 'f'[I9] in the sign [S30]).He gives a phonetic value for this sign of 'ser'. In analyzing signs #16 and #17[D22] it appeared to me that #17 is basically the same as #16 with the upper portion of the 's' sign [S29] trimmed off at the bottom radius of the 'r' sign [D21], leaving two legs, one longer than the other (the longer leg possibly representing 2/3 and the shorter 1/3 for a total of 1?). The difference in lengths of the legs is not seen in Gardiner's [D22] and may have been lost in copying the signs, but it can be seen in [D23]. On page 415a Budge's shows the word 'er' for [D21] and gives a translation of:'a prefix used to mark fractions'. He then gives examples of 1/3, 2/3, 1/5, 1/10, 1/15, 1/20, 1/30, 1/80, 1/100, 1/360. Interestingly he shows the fraction for 2/3 represented by the 'r' sign [D21] above the 's' sign [S29]!!! This would would be transliterated as 'eres' or 'res'. This brought me back sign #16 on pg cxxxi section XVI in which he gives a phonetic value of 'ser'. I searched for the words that included 'ser' showing the overlapping 's' and 'r' signs and found nothing!!!!! It appears that I may have found another one of Budge's mistakes and that perhaps sign #16 is but another version of 2/3 or #17[D22]and actually has a phonetic value of 'eres' or 'res' and not 'ser'. In conclusion, I would say that the sign for the fraction 2/3, #17[D22], has a phonetic value of 'eres' or 'res'. Can you confirm this? Your thoughts will be much appreciated.

On 2/16/2004 1:22:51 PM wrote:

Dr. Alsadaawi, I have not heard from you for some time now. I hope all is well with you. My question is one that relates to the AE fraction for 2/3. I believe 2/3 is represented by [D22]. It appears that [D22] is but a modification of [D21] which has a phonetic value of 'r'. What is the phonetic value of [D22]? I have yet to find any phone in Budge's EHD but I will continue to search. Neb-Ma'at-Re Egyptsearch Forum)

On 2/5/2004 2:13:02 PM wrote:

dear dr ossama although i am egyptian but i became so interested in egyptology just after purchasing your books and studying your rich website ( your books are rarely found i don not why ?!! ) i deduced that you think that Adam is egyptian as well as most prophets and all the religions started in egypt and the egyptian language and traditions did not change a lot.indeed i was very happy to see a profissional man like you is studying hard to asses which most egyptians feel when they read or hear that non-sense about ancient egypt that the foreign egyptologist produced and still producing and spread. but in fact i could not apply your phonetic rules on any ae text and also i don not know that you mean that every text in heiroglyphic is a holy one although these texts are very diversed in time of writing and places they found

On 1/1/2004 12:28:39 PM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

The word 'jew' is a Pure Ancient Egyptian word. It could be written in AE Hieroglyphs by many ways either by using [hd] or [hw] or [jw] graphemes or by other ways. Avery good example is reported in Wallis Budge EHD p.35b as follows: [M17-G43-O4:D46-A40] = iuhed = jahwd = jew. He translated it to 'a god in the Duat'! The word 'Jehovah' is taken from the Hebrew word 'Yahweh' which is taken in turn from the Ancient Egyptian word 'yahw'. There are many entries for the words 'yah', 'yahw', yahwh' in AE Hieroglyphs. As a 'god' there is the AE 'Hwd' prophet. As a place Wallis Budge reported some places that carry such names. Of these are for example: **Yah** which he translated to "a Sudani country, situation unknown"! and **yahwh** which he translated to "a town in Egypt"! Please, see Wallis Budge EHD pages 953a, 962a and 1013a.

On 12/31/2003 10:50:59 AM wrote:

Does the word Jehovah refer to a mountain or thuder God. Is this word of Egyptian origin. Is there a word for Jew in Egyptian writing that refer to a mountain.

On 12/29/2003 7:04:06 PM wrote:

I believe you do. At least I was hoping you did.

On 12/28/2003 2:46:58 PM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Dear friend Sa3idi, do you believe that I have an answer to this question?!!

On 12/24/2003 2:45:09 AM wrote:

Does the Kaba in Makkah have anything to do with ancient Egypt? Can you tell me if any pre-islamic tribes in Makkah are connected to ancient Egypt?

On 12/4/2003 1:31:19 PM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

In fact, the AE religious Hieroglyphic texts not only conducted or crept into the Holy Quran but it crept before that into the Torah and the Bible. There are many mutual and common holy texts and religious stories in all those Holy Scriptures the origin of which was Ancient Egypt. Take for example the Holy Spirit, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ismail, Israel, Moses, Aaron, Joseph, David, Mari, Jesus, etc they are all reported in the Pyramid Texts, the Book of the Dead and many other Ancient Egyptian very old texts. Only AE Hieroglyphs should be re-deciphered but this time on True scientific unbiased bases. Only then peoples will know the Truth. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are three divine divisions of the Ancient Egyptian religion which was the True peaceful (Haneef) creed of Abraham. The True AE Abraham is known in traditional Egyptology as 'god PtaH' who was reported in far pre-dynastic Hieroglyphic texts, may be much earlier and older than many peoples think. Regards, Alsaadawi

On 12/4/2003 3:56:59 AM wrote:

I am curious if you know of any resemblence of the information in the Quran with the texts of ancient Egypt? Do you believe that information from ancient Egypt creep into the Holy Quran? I believe this to be true,becauser it is evident that the judgement of the Quran is clearly lifted from the Pyramid texts[Pr En Hru] What is your opinion on this?

On 12/4/2003 3:45:25 AM wrote:

\\Egyptian authorities do not arrest people who practice their own spiritual celebrations. It only happened when someone or some people complain that there is some kind of criminal or shark attitudes in \\ This is not according to Moustafa Gadalla in his article. He references a incident that police harass praticiners of traditional relgion in Egypt? [[The police department in Cairo continued its efforts to find the outlaws and those who practiced magic, charlatanism, etc, when they arrested a "charlatan" (61 years old) who performs zars (exorcism, etc) at her apartment in El Waylee, assisted by another 8 persons. The article goes on to say that the lady, whose name is Sadeeka Hasan Mohammed Gad, convinced her victims, especially young women, of her ability to solve their marital and health problems. There were three of these young women present at dawn when the suspects were arrested. This police operation was in accordance with directives from the First Lieutenant to the Interior (Police) Ministry, who ordered the intensification of finding people who practice magic, …etc.]

On 12/2/2003 4:17:40 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Nearly ALL of the modern rural and urban Egyptians still practice Ancient Egyptian rituals and social customs including myself of course. Just look to the very famous 'shamm-el naseem' celebration, it is an official Egyptian holiday. It may be more welcomed by ALL Egyptians more than any other celebration. Many peoples don't know why! It was the new-year celebration in Ancient Egypt and the start of a new religious main ritual known as the 'holy month' (please revise my deciphering of AE Calendar System). Other Baladi Ancient Egyptian celebrations that still be practiced in Egypt are the well known 'mowlids' that spread allover Egypt, Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt as well. You know of course that Herodot and Manethon described them in detail. Look also to the 'sibw3' and 'arba3een' celebrations for the newborn babies and the deceased. Nothing changed in Egypt! -- Egyptian authorities do not arrest people who practice their own spiritual celebrations. It only happened when someone or some people complain that there is some kind of criminal or shark attitudes in such practices. Best regards, Alsaadawi.

On 12/1/2003 8:26:38 AM wrote:

Is it widely know that many rual and urban Baladi Egyptians still practice ancient rituals. Have you ever witnessed any of these events? Why do authorities in Egypt called it magic, so they can arrest people who practice their own spiritually?

On 11/14/2003 4:19:11 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi Mr. Sa3eedi of Aswan .. yes, the word 'Sa3eed' is a pure Ancient Egyptian word. It is reported many times in AE Hieroglyphic texts. It is denoted mainly by the famous Egyptian 'Duck' sign [G39] together with the land 'ta' sign [N16]. You can find this word reported in Wallis Budge Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary EHD p.585b as follows: [G39-N16:N23*Z1] = the kind land of Sa3eed ..  .. .


 Wallis Budge put a questioning mark before it because he couldn't grasp its real meaning, and translated it to 'a measure of land'!! >>>> If the Copts are the real descendents of the Ancient Egyptians then why they destroyed and annihilated many great AE cultural monuments, statues, tombs, temples, and schools then prohibited their religion and language and tried to replace it by the Greek line and the Greek language, then accused them of being pagans and polytheists? The answer is NO, the Copts are NOT the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians. There is no one rational man who destroys the great cultural heritage of his grandfather! The history and origin of the Copts are quite known to the indigenous Egyptians! Best regards. Alsaadawi

On 11/13/2003 1:52:17 PM wrote:

Does the word Sa3eadi in Arabic have an ancient Egyptian origin? Are the Coptic Christians in modern Egypt the real descendants of the ancient Egyptians?

On 11/3/2003 7:59:46 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi Marie, Thank you for your words that are spiritually rich, especially your words: "The eye was me, my spirit, the part of me that watches or experiences" I liked it much. >> I would need the Hieroglyph for 'spirit' or 'eye' or 'from this point of perception, (Which could also mean time or here and now) << There are mainly 4 AE Hieroglyphs that could be used to indicate the 'Spirit' or the 'Soul'. Those Hieroglyphs are:


a- [G5] or the Falcon sign used in AE language as follows: [G5] = rH / rwH = spirit / soul.


b- [G26] or the Ibis bird sign  used as follows: [G26] = wH = rwH = spirit / soul. In Egyptian popular songs you may hear the girl says to her boy 'ana rwHi feek', which translate literally to 'my spirit is in you', that means 'I love you so much or out of my spirit'! The Hieroglyph for 'spirit' that is related to 'here and now' is the **human face sign** or [D2] .


It could be used as follows: [D2] = rH / rwH = spirit / soul. Also as: [D2] = Hr / HDr / HaDir = attendant / present or 'I am here now'.

The Hieroglyph for 'spirit' that is related to 'time' is the **sun disk sign** or [N5] . Meanwhile the sun-disk sign could be used also to indicate time in general like 'day' for instance. It is known wrongly in Egyptology as 'r3' because sometimes it's preceded by the phonemes [D21:D36]! To write 'I am looking at two infinities' you should write it in accordance with the Ancient Egyptian way, which might be written as follows:

[Q3*X1:D6]  , which means 'saw him on the evident horizon'. It's a well known AE statement that relates to the AE Holy Spirit (Horus). You can find this word in Wallis Budge EHD p.254a, translated to 'see, look'! Then you ask >>Is ancient Egyptian still spoken as Arabic now?<< The answer is: Egyptian spoken language has never changed one 'bit' from far pre-dynastic times up today. Formal Arabic, which is also Ancient Egyptian, is only one small part of the Egyptian spoken language. Thousands of years later the Arabian territories that surrounded Ancient Egypt decided to adopt the Egyptian language to be their mother language exactly like the Americans did when they decided to adopt the English language to be their mother language. This does not mean that the Americans obliged the English peoples to speak American thousands of years before modern America existed!! Best regards, O. Alsaadawi

On 11/2/2003 9:34:53 AM wrote:

Also I would prefer a king who is remembered for his evident mercy and careful spirit, to, being remembered for how many lands he's got - sorry a Hr/rh sounds so much like 'here'. In my mind, as languages do migrate, Horus could mean that invisable spirit we call 'time'. The eye could be 'Here and now', the point of observation. What phone does [D10] the eye, represent? Horoscope, Hours, Horary Calender, etc. all came from some word which resembles Horus. Even Horison, which is probably where all measurement of time came from in the first place. If you think about the meaning of 'spirit' it is something invisable which exists and has power whether we are talking about the spirit which when it leaves, a lifeform dies, or the spirit of time without which only nothing would exist, God himself without time. Time was probably the first thing born out of nothing. Perhaps we all create ourselves as this first great creation did,- So being made in the image of God would take on a whole different meaning. In my dream the dual horisons were the infinite visable horizon and the infinite invisable horison (which my mind knew was there but could not see. The invisible had to do with the inner workings of the universe, the realms of spirit the unseen workings of God.). The eye was me, my spirit, the part of me that watches or experiences. One small point of perception. So if we were to write hyroglyphs to match the statement in my dream. I would need the Hyroglyph for 'spirit' or 'eye' or 'from this point of perception'(Which could also mean time or here and now) Then I would need words/glyphs which meant sitting at a point which had two horisons. in effect 'I(eye) am looking at two infinities'. Or I am at a point which intersects two lines or two laws or two infinities - sorry I almost went off on a mathimatical fantasy there for a second, but I'm back. This was fun for me. Perhaps in it's infancy The two Glyphs G5 and D10 were an ancient way of writing 'I was here' or 'my spirit was here at this point' as today people still do, and indeed vikings also did in runes in Maes Howe, Orkney about 850 years ago. but I will not waste any more of your time with the ramblings of a facinated but uneducated amateur. Thanks for your time,I hope you enjoy your day - Regards Marie.

On 11/2/2003 5:37:16 AM wrote:

Thank you Ossama. For your reply. I can see how there is a great potential for error in translations and therefore people may be unintentionally mislead about ancient beliefs etc. Although I know very little about language, I know more about the history of astronomy as I live in the Shetland Islands where we have structures related to measuring the seasons of the year which are older than the pyramids of Giza. Apparently now there are discoveries connecting our ancient people who they call the 'grooved ware' people and the spread of knowledge to your corner of the world. Astrology, stonemasonry, agriculture and seamanship which they were masters of around, I can't quite remember, 3600 BC. possibly, which was approx when they disappeared from our lands. Some people think they were able to see a forthcoming comet which they expected to cause havoc, so they moved away from the sea. They probably had a good enough knowledge of the sky to be able to see a comet, but not good enough to figure out where it would land. Interesting though. Anyway I digress sorry. Can you recommend any books I could learn not only hieroglyphs and their phonetic sounds but also the language they represent as I only speak english? Is ancient Egyptian still spoken as Arabic now? - Regards Marie, Shetland

On 10/20/2003 8:44:30 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

H Marie, Thank you for your message. It seems that you have a real talent. The words you introduced: >>'The eye is the light of the soul'<< and >>'The Eye is the Point of The Dual Horizons'<< may be good enough and may invite for deeper thinking and pondering. However, when we come to the field of Ancient Egyptian language we find ourselves tied with strict reading and writing rules using the AE Hieroglyphs. The answer to your question is confined with two AE Hieroglyphs, namely: The Falcon sign [G5],  and the Eye of the Falcon sign [D10],  known in traditional Egyptology as the 'eye of Horus'. Although these two signs are very famous and invite for plenty of philosophical explanations they have particular and specified phonetic values by which they are used strictly to compose hundreds of Egyptian words with different meanings. Here I'll give only few examples to show this point. The Falcon sign [G5] has a phonetic value (Hr/rH). One important word using this sign is [G5-G26] = rwH = Spirit,   A second word is [G5-S29] = HariS = careful. The Egyptologists read the last word as 'Horus' and considered it the real name of the Falcon sign which is Not True! We see here that the Falcon sign is used to compose two AE words with absolutely different meanings. Likewise there hundreds of other Egyptian words that use this sign with different meanings. It is no more than a lingual component. Now we come to the double crown [S5], . The Egyptologists deciphered it Wrongly as the 'double crown of Upper an Lower Egypt'! Again this is Not True. [S5] or the double crown is in fact a compound Hieroglyph that is composed of two independent Hieroglyphic graphemes, namely [S1] and [S3] = (nb + na) and all phonetic combinations. Again there are hundreds of Egyptian words that could use this compound phone. When the Falcon put the double crown [S5] on top of his head then we could get here a specified meaning which is: **Evident Mercy** (of the Holy Spirit). The Egyptologists read this sign Wrongly as 'Horus is the Lord of the two lands'!! It is only a Guess! Best regards, O. Alsaadawi.

On 10/19/2003 9:42:05 AM wrote:

I probably better clarify that the saying I was enquiring after is--'The Eye is the Point of The Dual Horizons'. I am also very interested in the creation and interrelationship between languages and writing, and trying to understand how and why Glyphs and Words originated and evolved in cultures. My life has dictated me precious little time to become educated and to study these matters. I still like to browse whenever I can, and have taken notes of books from your web site. Thank you it is very interesting. I will be looking next at the Ancient Egyptian Calendar System to see if there is anything there within my capabilities to understand at this point. I love mathematics. I do a little astrology also, and am fascinated by the way the stars were used for measurement and seafaring sciences. It is such a joy to share this love of our ancestry with so many committed educators. I have gained so much enjoyment from the work of people such as yourself. Thank you Regards Marie - Shetland

On 10/19/2003 7:27:38 AM wrote:

I had a dream in 1984. The teacher in my dream and I were quoting sayings to each other such as 'The Pen is mightier than the sword etc. I said to him 'The eye is the light of the soul' He tauntingly replied no the eye is the point of the dual horizons. I have years later found out a little about Egyptology and was amazed to read about Horace the Lord of the two lands etc. - Could you tell me if this is a true saying of if it is similar to any you know. I can still remember what it meant in the dream.

On 9/6/2003 5:52:35 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi Samy, I agree with you that the basic unit in Arabic language is the word 'f3l'. This proves definitely that the Arabic language is based on **trilateral** phonetic words. But what about the **bilateral** phonetic words in Quran like for instance **mn** which means 'from' in English? This word is expressed in Hieroglyphs by one Hieroglyphic grapheme only, which is the glyph [Y5] or 'mn' sign. The Quran speaks about three items concerning its language, which are **Al-Baiyaan**, **Al-Zikr** and **Lisaan 3arabiyy**. It means that what is Arabic about the Quran is only the **tongue** or in other words the spoken language but not the **written** language. **Al-Baiyaan** is the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic writings, which God taught to Adam, **3allamaho Al-Baiyaan** The Ancient Egyptian language either spoken or written is based only on **bilateral** phonetic graphemes that could be combined together to give trilateral or more phonetic values. The slang Egyptian spoken language still keeps its original Ancient Egyptian phonetic values although it looks like Arabic while it is not Arabic. There are thousands of such Egyptian words like 'bt', 'st', 'ab', 'um', 'akh', 'Hz'. 'nT', 'HT', 'fT' , 'khT', 'br', 'rb', 'HL', 'bL', 'Lb', 'Hb', etc, etc. Every one of these Egyptian words is expressed by one Hieroglyphic grapheme while it looks like Arabic! Of course you know them well and you know their meanings because you are Egyptian before you are American. Please, before going on this detailed discussion you have to purchase Wallis Budge Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary that comes in two volumes and start reading and tracking the Ancient Egyptian words that read exactly like Arabic and that count by hundreds! You'll discover that the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic writing is simply the Mother of the Arabic Language. Best Regards-Alsaadawi.

On 9/3/2003 12:47:50 PM wrote:

The arabic language has families( more than 40) only one third or so was used in Al Quran. The basic unit is F 3 L, means verb DID in english. You can not invent a word out side of these families to know what it means. There are rules to measures governing the origin( root) and branch. You have to reveret the word to its family and make sure it is explaned and have the general meaning of other words that have common roots and belong to the same family. One other comment is that the Arabic language is based on a structure, commonally used in physics and math, and that is why you can not change the language or change the meaning of words, or invent new words. This lead us to the Quranic arabic when Allah said he will preserve this book and the text, and this why it is in Arabic,I hope you can see the corolation between the Arabic language and the math. It is fixed and true and it is the base for the universe if you want to carry it further and open another subject. Let me stop here and end with the q: Is hieroglyphs the same as Arabic?? Awaiting your comment and answer. Samy Alim

On 8/16/2003 3:49:51 PM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Hi Mr. Fekry, Thank you for your message. Yes, I have a good idea about this subject. I should be thankful if you may send me the Original Hieroglyphic texts of these books to compare it of what I already have. Best Regards, Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi

On 8/14/2003 4:21:57 AM wrote:

Assalamo 3alekom: I was wondering if you are intrested for your studies about a religon her in the USA. That claims that they found some golden AE templates. Theyse templates were found in 1830. Out of these templates they teaches three books: "Book of mormon", "Book of moses" and " Book of Ibraham". The so called religion have a faith in a man that received these translations for the AE writing. If you are intrested I can send you an Arabic translation for the three books. Fekry Said

On 6/4/2003 11:41:52 AM your friend wrote:

thank u very much for letting us use your site i hope u will let me use this site again a thanks again for every thing

On 5/21/2003 11:57:00 AM wrote:

Dear Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi, Thank you very much for your answer. I suppose one of my friends - egyptologyst from St.Petersburg will visit Egypt in August. I think, it will be very interesting for him to meet you. I appreciate your kindness. And of course, for this time I am and my students will use your site. Once again, thank you very much. All the best wishes, Vladislav Kalashnikov

On 5/21/2003 3:21:49 AM Ossama Alsaadawi wrote:

Dear Dr Kalashnikov, Thank you for your kind interest and interest of your students in my Hieroglyphic Theory and my works and books. I willingly and gladly can present you a group of my books that are available now in English for free. The problem is that it is hard now to ship these books via normal post out of Egypt. So, if you have some friend that will visit Egypt soon I'll be able to hand it to him. Meanwhile, please feel free to ask any questions about Hieroglyphs either thru e-mailing or online. Also, this site covers a good basic section of my Theory. Kindest regards, Dr. Ossama Alsaadawi

On 5/20/2003 12:30:16 PM wrote:

Dear Dr. Alsaadawi! My name is Vladislav, I live in Russia, and I am teaching history in the institute. I am and my students are interesting very much about your works on hieroglyphs. But we have lack of books about this, and also lack of money. May be you can tell me, how to get your books on English, or maybe just a copies, or used old books for free or for exchange? Please, contact me, if it's possible. Thank you very much. Vladislav Kalashnikov, PhD.

On 3/13/2003 5:56:47 PM wrote:

Hello again! Thank you for your quick response. It is unfortunate that you cannot reveal any further insight into any correlation between our Gregorian year and the AE year. I do, however, have some further questions. (1) How many "blinks" does it take to advance one "moment"? (2) If I have understood you correctly, a compound grapheme (I believe this is what you called them) is basically two or more hieroglyphs combined into one and are as such pronounced the same way as if you painted the basic hieroglyphs separately. For example, take N15 ("the night of might" = "layla-tu al-qadr"). Would this mean that writing N14 and Y24 (or N33; I am not sure) would have the same pronunciation as N15? If so, why do we use the cumbersome 6000 - 7000 different hieroglyphs and not divide them into their basic parts and end up with a couple of hundred instead? /Roger Fylling, Sweden.

On 3/10/2003 4:26:56 PM wrote:

Hi! I want to revise the questions I posed in my previous message... (1) I am still interested in how many "blinks" there are in one "moment". (2 and 3) It is not necessary with any complicated mathematical formulas for this, since the only thing I really need is a year of reference. Like for example January 1st, 1900 in the Gregorian calendar - what year would that correlate to in the AE calendar (*see note)? (new 4) When specifying time, the AE's divided time into the following (correct me if I'm wrong): - Year [N14] - Season [N24] - Month [N11] - Weekday [???] - Day [N5] - Hour [???] - Quarter [D150] - Moment [???] - Blink [D12] What would the Gardiner code be for the items indicated by: "[???]"? *Note: On your homepage you mention "the night of might" (N15), when the AE's believed the earth was created (or something along that line). I am interested in how many Vernal Spring Equinoxes has passed from "the night of might" until Jan 1st, 1900. Then it would be easy for me to calculate the rest, since one true year (the time between two vernal spring equinoxes) is 365.2422 days in the Gregorian calendar. / Roger Fylling, Sweden

On 3/3/2003 6:37:00 AM wrote:

Hi, it concerns E10. Do you mean that every time we find it, it should be pronounced GHNAM (or khnum) and not BA? regards

On 2/23/2003 9:41:41 PM wrote:

Hello again! I am still fascinated by the AE calendar system. As such, I have the following questions: (1) You say that the smallest unit of time for the AE's is "blink", but you fail to clarify how many blinks there are in a "moment". (2) May be you are not the right person to ask this, but I'll ask it anyways: Do you know how one would calculate the Vernal Spring Equinox (the day of spring when the daylight hours are equal to the number of hours in the night) for a certain date, using nothing but mathematical formulas (my question is of course what these formulas might be)? Most places on the Internet only state that it falls sometime around March 20-23, but since it is my understanding that the day keeps moving around due to the tilt of the Earth, it would be nice to be able to calculate it exactly somehow (mathematically; not by looking at the heaven). (3) I seem to remember reading on your homepage that the AEs used years starting at 0 (or 1 - I don't remember) at the current kings start of reign. Did the AE's ever count the years from "the beginning of time" or something in that nature. If so, what year did they believe was the beginning of time? / Roger Fylling, Sweden.

On 1/22/2003 10:17:25 AM wrote:

hi dr : ossama it is very great to see ur translation for the true language for the egyption people who live in the past days now iam very happy to know that our grand were muslems i will shout in all the world and say that i am EGYPION

On 12/12/2002 1:58:36 AM wrote:

n the name of the only and unique god we start we believe.. dear dr. ossama... i just wanna ask you some questions 1-is mohamed the last messenger of god? 2-is the holly kur2an that we have now was the same the old egyptions have? 3-do u beleve the kur2an is complete or there are some words they took it out of it ? please answer my questions cause i am about to going crazy... thank's a lot .

On 12/8/2002 11:58:31 AM wrote:

I thank you for your insightful description on the AE's calendar system. One question about the 13th month of the year that haunts me, though, is: why do the AE's use sometimes the hieroglyph of the parrot sitting in the crescent moon (I have no idea what Gardiner Code this glyph has), and sometimes the 4-fingered palm (I don't know the Gardiner Code for this either)? Have I misunderstood you somehow? May be you mean that the parrot in the crescent moon is the true symbol of the 13th month, and the 4-fingered palm is just a symbol, depicting this time as "this period is sanctified and no human fights are allowed within". Are the symbols in any way interchangeable? Also, is it correct to assume that the AE's used Year, Month (1-13), Day (1-49), Hour (1-24), and Blink (1-360) to report time, or did they also divide the blinks into 4 sections as so: Year, Month (1-13), Day (1-49), Hour (1-24), Quarter of Hour (1-4), and Blink (1-90)? By the way, what is the hieroglyph for Season, Blink and Quarter (if this turns out to be relevant)? On another matter entirely, in the old school of Egyptology, all hieroglyphs were divided into either ideograms and phonograms, and the ideograms further divided into objects and actions, and the phonograms divided into 1-letter signs, 2-letter signs, and 3-letter signs. In your new theory, how does this hierarchi change exactly according to your new theory? / Roger Fylling (Sweden)

On 12/6/2002 5:18:24 AM wrote:

Thanks for your quick response to my previous question. Unfortunately, your answer prompts me to supply you with a follow-up question: It doesn't really sound logical to me that the Egyptians would give the days of the week names like: "1"..."5", and then give only Friday and Saturday complete names. May be you could shed some light on this. Also (since my expertise in hieroglyphs is quite basic), would the correct hieroglyph for the 1st month of the year consequently be: Z1,N11,M8 (shahr awwal), or have I misunderstood the "awwal", "taani", "taalit", and "raabi3" (I presumed these would be numbers 1-4 of each season)? / Roger Fylling (Sweden)

On 12/4/2002 1:29:44 PM wrote:

First of all I feel I have to thank you for enlightening the field of Egyptology with your research. More people like you are needed to decipher the worlds heritage. Secondly, my interest in the field of Egyptology is just getting started, so as such, I do not possess much knowledge except for my common sense. Now to my question... Since I have not been successful in locating any homepage on the internet that lists the names of all the months and days of the week in the AEL, I was wondering if you would do the honors (preferably with the pronunciation in English as well as the Egyptian hieroglyphs). May be you could incorporate it into your already existing page of the "Ancient Egyptian Calendar System". I find the similarities between the Mayan and the Egyptian calendar system interesting. / Roger Fylling (Sweden)

On 12/3/2002 2:14:49 AM wrote:

hi i wonder why we haven’t read or been able to reach such remarkable information before? maybe because some cultural societies, media and internet clubs prohibit and efface free opinions and messages that don’t match their beliefs instead of discussing it! mac

On 10/13/2002 12:58:49 PM wrote:

Greetings Alsaadawi, Apologies for using a different address to what I have communicated with you in the past, this is a public board and it is spam prevention. I notice that yu use several fonts that I don't think I am displaying properly. I have Arabic support for Windows and did have Hieroglyphs which has mysteriously disappeared. However what font is "هـ", is it International Phonetics? Would it be possible to let us know where we can obtain the various fonts used so we could view the pages correctly? Maybe even links directly to downloads of fonts used. Thank you and keep up the good work. Rob Poland

On 8/29/2002 12:33:54 PM wrote:



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